Online UPS

What is mean by Online UPS? Online term refers to the condition when converter is in operation when power in the line is present. Offline mode refers to a condition when converter operation start after the main line is off or not available. Therefore, online UPS is a stage which is introduced between the load…

Lighting Automation

Lighting Automation Lighting Automation is the discipline of creating automated changes in lighting levels to affect mood, emphasize architecture, illuminate art, and influence action. Automated lighting from PGT can be described like the rising or setting of the sun. As light gradually, imperceptibly moves across the landscape our senses are heightened and we see earth…

Distribution Transformer

What is a Distribution Transformer? Distribution Transformer is an electrical isolation transformer which convert high-voltage electricity to lower voltage levels acceptable for use in homes and business. A distribution transformer’s function is straightforward: to step down the voltage and provide isolation between primary and secondary. Electrical energy is passed through distribution transformers to reduce high-distribution…

Diesel Generator

Diesel Generator Diesel Generating Set is a combination of a diesel engine and an alternator. Diesel engine is the prime mover, which drives an alternator to produce electrical energy. In the diesel engine, air is drawn into the cylinder and is compressed to a high ratio (14:1 to 25:1). During this compression, the air is…